Zach’s ‘In the Heights’ is a lively, sizzling start to the summer season

Thanks the world phenomenon that was Hamilton, and an Oscar nomination for his work on Disney's Moana, Lin-Manuel Miranda has quickly become a household name, but before he was treading the boards as a founding father or singing for the president, he was winning over musicals fans with his vibrant, joyous look at life in … Continue reading Zach’s ‘In the Heights’ is a lively, sizzling start to the summer season

‘The Revolutionists’ is a funny, but ferocious, feminist fable

Marie Antoinette, Charlotte Corday, and Marianne Angelle meet in the salon of celebrated feminist writer Olympe de Gouges, each of them wanting some piece of writing that will change, or perhaps, end their lives. This is the story behind Lauren Gunderson's original and bold new play, The Revolutionists, given an all-too relevant production by the talented … Continue reading ‘The Revolutionists’ is a funny, but ferocious, feminist fable

Clever direction and a sharp script make for a wild ride in Capital T’s ‘The Effect’

If chemicals can alter our emotions, how do we know if the things we feel are actually real? This is the question in the heart of  Lucy Prebble's "The Effect", the latest from stalwarts Capital T Theatre, whose string of effective, relevant plays continues, this time with the help of one of Austin's most original … Continue reading Clever direction and a sharp script make for a wild ride in Capital T’s ‘The Effect’

Humor and spectacle take center stage in Broadway Across America’s ‘Something Rotten’

It's becoming increasingly rare to find a true musical comedy on stage. Sure, there's plenty of satire, plenty of serious musicals with funny moments, but the true goofy, ribald, laugh-em-ups are a dying breed. Luckily, Something Rotten! provides just the laughs you're looking for, with a comical look at 1590s England, and two men making … Continue reading Humor and spectacle take center stage in Broadway Across America’s ‘Something Rotten’